kappclark wrote: 
> Please - forgive my confusion .. looking for "HTML 101" answer --
> I was able to change a radio icon (secret agent) with a cover of a local
> album I have on the network server .. edited favorites.opml using nano
> with no plms..
>  (will display the
> thumbnail)
> BUT - for the life of me, I cannot find the actual file when using ssh
> -- not in /var/www/html ... is there an alternate directory for port
> 9000 ?? 
> I understand that SBS uses port 9000 -- but where is the actual file
> stored on the server ?? this is such basic stuff - but help
> appreciated...
> Bill Clark

Ports are only to do with network - nothing to do with file.  LMS has no
directories with "www"

1. Find the top level directory where you LMS application is saved (e.g.
look for the file convert.conf) 
2. at a shell prompt "cd" to the directory
3. then use the following command  *find .  -name "favorites.png"*

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