On 2023-11-01, Amos Jeffries <squ...@treenet.co.nz> wrote:
> On 1/11/23 09:59, Alex Rousskov wrote:
>> On 2023-10-31 15:39, Francesco Chemolli wrote:
>>> Before we can migrate ..., we need to deprecate, cleanup and simplify 
>>> a lot.
>> Do you really, really _need_ to "deprecate, cleanup, and simplify a lot" 
>> in order to stop mirroring tomorrow?! Start doing new minor releases on 
>> GitHub a month from now? FWIW, I have asked for specifics many times, 
>> but am still unaware of any serious obstacles on the way to those goals.
> As I have mentioned multiple times ... there is a reason we have Jenkins 
> building the tarballs.
> Please run the following commands:
> wget 
> https://github.com/squid-cache/squid/archive/refs/tags/SQUID_6_3.tar.gz &&
>       tar -xvf SQUID_6_3.tar.gz &&
>       ./configure &&
>       make check

That's using github's on-the-fly generated tarballs; it's also possible to
upload a "release artefact" which is the proper project-generated tar.gz.
See e.g. the irssi releases, https://github.com/irssi/irssi/releases/tag/1.4.5
(though also notice the ugly way they try to make sure people download the
correct file...)

(and it doesn't preclude _also_ having mirrors)

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