Xuân Baldauf wrote:

Henrik Nordstrom wrote:

On Tue, 15 Feb 2005, [ISO-8859-1] Xuân Baldauf wrote:

Odd.. you should have write permission.

What repository root did you use?

grep . CVS/Root CVS/Repository CVS/Tag

CVS/Root:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/squid CVS/Repository:squid3 CVS/Tag:Tsquid3-ipv6

Maybe I have checked out at a directory level to high...?

Everything looks just right to me.

CVS Root: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/squid  [OK]
Module:   squid3                                              [OK]
Tag:      squid3-ipv6                                         [OK]

Hi Henrik,

I think I found the reason: The "CVS/Root" file of the top level directory was correct, but the "CVS/Root" file of the lower level directories were not changed by the "cvsmkbranch" script. Thus, I effectively tried to commit the lower directory files as "anonymous", which should fail and actually failed. (I checked out as "anonymous" first, because checking out using SSH did not work at that time).

I now checked in all changes to the "squid-ipv6" branch,

Sorry Henrik,

As I have been searching for the changes I made to the "squid-ipv6" branch by using http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/squid/squid3/lib/?only_with_tag=squid3-ipv6 , I could not find my changes in
"safe_inet_addr.c". I thought, this is due to a CVS server to viewcvs delay.

Then I have checked out again both the whole "HEAD" branch and also the "squid-ipv6" branch of "squid3", because my older changed squid branch (checked out as "anonymous") was "messed" (because cvs then tries to checkin as "anonymous" also). After trying to compile the latter branch with "./configure --enable-ipv6", I found out that the compile worked absolutely cleanly, which was not expected.

Further investigation showed: nearly all my IPv6 changes were not distributed into the "squid-ipv6" branch, but into the "HEAD" branch. I thought this was not possible due to access restrictions. I checked wether there are access restrictions, and actually, there are:

   ERROR: You do not have permission to commit on the
   HEAD branch of squid3.

   Please contact the project administrator if you think
   this is in error, asking him to add permission for mediumnet.

cvs commit: Pre-commit check failed cvs [commit aborted]: correct above errors first!

So somehow, I have managed by accident to circumvent whatever access restrictions!

I knew, because not all my changes did not reach "HEAD", current "HEAD" would not compile. Therefore, I tried to reproduce this and after about one hour of fiddling, I actually succeeded. I checked in a small change to "./configure.in" which should make "HEAD" compileable again. (However, as it is 4:41 CET, I need to sleep and thus, I currently cannot verify that.)

and I'm waiting for discussion. :-)

If you still have trouble try filing a Sourceforge support request to see if the support staff can look into what the issue may be. They are usually quite responsive.



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