On Tue, 15 Feb 2005, Caleb Anthony wrote:

Something interesting I noticed about that server hosting the stamp2.gif is that squid is accelerating the web-server.


I know this because I tried to open the image and I recieved a squid error because my request failed one of their ACL's. Although when I refreshed page the image loaded correctly. I also scanned the server with nmap and it confirmed that squid (squid 2.5 stable 7) is accelerating the web-server (see scan information below).


Interesting. This scan gave such broken HTTP status code.

As we know nothing about this server I'd close this issue now as a malfunctioning server. The Squid logs which started this thread seems to be correct, showing what the server did return.

The fact that the server involves a accelerating Squid tells very little as we know nothing about this Squid except that it claims to be a 2.5.STABLE7.


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