* Henrik Nordstrom ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> sön 2007-03-18 klockan 15:51 +0200 skrev Tsantilas Christos:
> With the Squid-2 ICAP client still being somewhat experimental I do not
> consider it a good idea to use in combination with Squid-2.6.STABLE. I
> would very much prefer if people uses Squid-2.HEAD + icap if they need
> that functionality, and knowing that their Squid version is experimental
> and not a STABLE version.

That's tricky -- I'd love to give FreeBSD users a somewhat well defined
way to use Squid+ICAP but it seems I am out on a limb here.

> The recent bug reports is further evidence that this position is
> reasonable. Several people coming yelling about Squid-2.6.STABLE
> insability, not mentioning (or maybe not even realizing) that they have
> applied significant experimental patches to their Squid version.

Does this apply to FreeBSD port users? I could add some additional notes
to squid.conf or the post installation information when ICAP support is
chosen -- although the people that are of the yelling kind would
probably ignore this anyway...

If the patch is not developed further, it should be not too difficult
for me to adapt it against changes in 2.6; it has been rather hard to
tell the changes in functionality from the changes in the Squid code

On the other hand if there is strong opinion to have ICAP support
removed from the FreeBSD port, please say so. I'd rather see you helping
me in keeping it in good shape, of course :)

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