lör 2008-02-16 klockan 18:14 -0700 skrev Alex Rousskov:
> On Fri, 2008-02-15 at 14:05 +0000, Arthur Tumanyan wrote:
> > Update of cvs.devel.squid-cache.org:/cvsroot/squid/squid3/errors/Armenian
> > 
> > Modified Files:
> > Log Message:
> Another SourceForge HEAD commit? Such commits create problems for others
> working with SourceForge CVS tree, right? Can we do something
> simple/automatic to block these?

Hmm.. there is supposed to be a CVS ACL already in place blocking these,
but perhaps it's only active on the squid module, not squid3..

Checking... yes there is a typo in the squid3 cvs module name (squid-3
used instead of squid3). Fixed and this kind of errors should be blocked


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