On Fri, 2008-04-18 at 15:40 +1200, Amos Jeffries wrote:

> IMO, This should be queued as part of the 3.1 cleanups, but not as 
> urgently as some other issues.
> The priorities as I see them now are:
>   - immediately fixable and urgent bugs.
>   - completing the dedicated 3.1 feature list (DEVEL is overdue).
>   - cleanups for fixing more intrusive or design bugs (such as this, and 
> the 407 one).
>   - shakedown for release cycle.
> We have a few months of shakedown before anything like a good stable. 
> Plenty of time for cleanup not blocking new features.

I estimate that properly cleaning up the client side would delay v3.1
stable release by 2-3 months unless we suddenly get more experts
involved. Is that delay acceptable to you? Others?

Thank you,


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