On 5/10/2016 11:27 p.m., Hardik Dangar wrote:
> Hey Amos,
> I have implemented your patch at
> and added following to my squid.conf
> archive_mode allow all
> and my refresh pattern is,
> refresh_pattern dl-ssl.google.com/.*\.(deb|zip|tar|rpm) 129600 100% 129600
> ignore-reload ignore-no-store override-expire override-lastmod ignor$
> but i am still not able to cache it, can you tell from below output what
> would be the problem ? Do i need to configure anything extra ?

Sorry. I was a bit tired when I wrote earlier an steered you wrong.

The archive patch will ony help for things which can be cached in the
first place. Vary:* is not part of that set so this wont help you at all.

That leaves you with the option of using a multi-level cache hierarchy
where the frontend cache removes the header (causing the backend cache /
client to try and store it.

Or removing all of Squids Vary header support. I really dont recommend
either approach.


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