On 2016-11-05 22:09, Garri Djavadyan wrote:
1. Does your certificate signed by StartSSL CA
(/home/kk/ssl/cert-mail/mail.contoso.com.pem) corresponds to your
private key (/home/kk/ssl/cert-mail/mail.contoso.com.key)?

For the 'corresponds' I mean, does CSR for StartSSL was generated using exactly same key [/home/kk/ssl/cert-mail/mail.contoso.com.key]?

You can check whether the certificate and private key corresponds to each other by inspecting modulus. The modulus should be identical. For example, you can use the following openssl commands:

# openssl x509 -in /home/kk/ssl/cert-mail/mail.contoso.com.pem -modulus -noout # openssl rsa -in /home/kk/ssl/cert-mail/mail.contoso.com.key -modulus -noout

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