Tushar Gupta wrote:
> Hi,
> We are using squid for caching, with SCSI disk and 512 MB RAM.  The
> cache_mem setting in squid.conf is 64 MB. After running for several
> hours total free RAM (as seen by top command) reduces to few kilobytes
> and server response time increases (CPU idle cycles also go to zero),
> and we need to reboot the server. Though as percentage of total CPU
> usage squid is usually taking around 15-30%CPU and percentage of RAM as
> 12-15%MEM . After rebooting the server would again run fine for several
> hours say half a day, and then RAM would gradually get consumed again.
> It is Linux 7.1 , Kernel 2.4.2-2 on i686  (PII 350 Mhz), squid version
> 2.3.stable4.  Server also has other services like DNS/qmail but they
> take negligible CPU/RAM

 What is the total size of your cache dirs as configured in squid.conf ?
 Check the FAQ on this issue, concerning the resulting mem. usage of

 Or else reduce cache_mem to 8Mb, see whether this problem remains.

 You may want to upgrade to squid 2.5 on the long run


> Any suggestions are welcome.
> Thanks
> Tushar


 'Time is a consequence of Matter thus
 General Relativity is a direct consequence of QM
 (M.E. Mar 2002)

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