Hello again,
    I have wb_group configured here, but I´m still getting some strange
    I can browse with a user in the group Internet, but if I remove this
user from the group,  the user still can browse.
    I configure ttl=60 (1 minute) to test, but nothing happens. It only
works if I restart SAMBA. 
    If I type wb_group -d on the command line and type DOMAIN\\user group,
it returns OK, even if the user is removed from the group.
    It seems winbind is caching the contents, but it is taking a long time
to refresh.
    How can I configure to make it refresh the group contents every 5
minutes, for example ?

    here is my configuration :
auth_param ntlm program /usr/local/squid/libexec/wb_ntlmauth DOMAIN
auth_param ntlm children 10
auth_param ntlm max_challenge_reuses 0
auth_param ntlm max_challenge_lifetime 2 minutes

external_acl_type GrupoAD ttl=60 %LOGIN /usr/local/squid/libexec/wb_group

acl UsuariosInternet proxy_auth REQUIRED
acl GrupoInternet    external   GrupoAD  internet

http_access allow UsuariosInternet GrupoInternet
http_access deny all
Alex C. B. Antão
Analista de Sistemas e Suporte
ICQ: 5144629
"Liberdade, fraternidade, igualdade... e, de vez em quando, velocidade!" 

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