Hi Amor,
I have recompiled Squid with the following parameters.

./configure --prefix=/usr/local/squid --enable-async-io=8 
--enable-storeio="ufs,aufs,diskd" --enable-removal-policies="lru,heap" 
--enable-delay-pools --enable-cache-digests --enable-underscores 
--enable-icap-client --enable-follow-x-forwarded-for --enable-arp-acl 
--enable-esi --enable-zph-qos --disable-translation --with-large-files 
--with-filedescriptors=65536 --disable-ipv6 --enable-linux-netfilter

DISK I/O is just like before, on average 5% I would say.
I am using the default removal policy, not heap.

Well after recompiling it, I can see the Median DNS Lookup time reduced by 10 
times are the browsing experience is improved than before. Thank you for that. 
But those two domains i.e www.music.com.bd and www.djmaza.com problem is not 
solved. I cannot determine exactly what is stopping it to load the site fast, 
indeed it loads may be 10 minutes later. To my (amateur) understanding, the 
problem is with the ads.clicksor.com and the facebook widgets it tries to load, 
but I am not 100% sure. 

Can anyone try to load the site again and see if the problem persists, or how 
should I exempt those URLs from being caching. 

I think the URLS are :-
1) http://ads.clicksor.com/showAd.php?pid=102683&adtype=1&sid=152482&zone=
2) http://ads.clicksor.com/showAd.php?pid=102683&adtype=9&sid=152482&zone=

URL 3 waiting time sometimes goes more than 800ms. Please advise.


> Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2011 01:33:10 +1300
> From: squ...@treenet.co.nz
> To: squid-users@squid-cache.org
> Subject: Re: [squid-users] Some pages loading very slow in 3.1.10 Stable
> On 24/01/11 23:09, Michael Hendrie wrote:
> >
> > On 24/01/2011, at 8:17 PM, Saiful Alam wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> OK I have kept your suggestion in my mind, but right now I'm not in
> >> a position to buy two HDD's. May be I can afford to buy 15 days
> >> later. For the time being, my prime problem is the loading of two
> >> major sites from where my users download mp3. Those are
> >>
> >> www.music.com.bd and www.djmaza.com
> >>
> >
> > Seems to load fine for me but that doesn't mean your slow = my fine.
> >
> > I had issues with some random sites being "slow" with 3.1.10 and
> > tracked it down to squid trying to get AAAA records for the problem
> > sites (or objects pulled from other sites). Not sure why this was
> > occurring as IPv6 is not enabled on the OS. I didn't investigate too
> > much and just recompiled with --disable-ipv6 as it wasn't needed.
> > Doing so resolved my slow sites issue.
> >
> Seems like you actually had IPv6 partially enabled in the OS, and maybe
> a break in DNS or MTU.
> When Squid 3.1.10 starts up it probes the OS network capabilities to see
> if IPv6 connections can be made. When they are possible it enables
> things like AAAA to use those connections. --disable-ipv6 merely sets
> the result of that test to always be false.
> With a reasonably fast DNS response time (under a half second) AAAA
> lookups will not be noticeable.
> With working MTU there will be almost zero lag from opening and
> attempting IPv6 connections on an IPv4-only network.
> >
> >> Don't know the reason, but music.com.bd loads very slow. And in
> >> firebug i see that the problem persists while loading 3 ads from
> >> ads.clicksor.com and some facebook widgets. Can you please check
> There you have the problem by the looks of it.
> Ad servers are very bad for being slow. They usually do a lot of
> processing or slow operations in the background before replying. Due to
> their tracking desires they do not permit proxies to cache and speed up
> their results. Some are more noticeable than others.
> Facebook is designed in a similar way which also suffers from these
> heavy processing delay problems on the APIs. But they do seem to be
> emitting useful cache controls on the static bits to avoid that.
> You have a choice:
> put up with it
> or
> block those URL from being fetched.
> >> and try to load these two domains if you're running a Squid 3.1.X
> >> version and see if everything is alright from your end.
> >>
> Amos
> --
> Please be using
> Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE9 or 3.1.10
> Beta testers wanted for

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