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The Connie and Bonnie Show and Friends

saturday,  june 24th

8 pm


----/ Event Description /-----------------------------------------------

The Connie and Bonnie Show & Friends is a hybrid variety show, video  
screening, and rock show put together by rock 'n roll fanatics who  
watch too many movies and too much TV.

Baltimore musicians and art scene instigators Rahne Alexander and  
Kristen Anchor are the queer/tranny pop duo The Connie and Bonnie  
Show. (Rahne, voice, guitar; Kristen, drums). Anchor and Alexander  
perform funny rockabilly influenced pop songs preceded by a short  
curated video set including their work and other short underground/ 
experimental videos, this tour, Films About Nothing. Spectacular  
films about un-spectacular events! The videos are abnormal, funny,  
strange-- marginal videos made by people in the margins.

The Videos:Films About Nothing
Spectacular films about un-spectacular events! Connie and Bonnie show  
presents short punk rock/urban videos about life and nothing at all.  
The mundane is fun! It is everywhere! It is free! These small little  
short videos prove that the small little things, "the everyday," is  
funny, important, political, and worth some investigation. Connie and  
Bonnie shorts include santa pez porno, dada poetry, bush love and  
Bush hate, teenage lesbian vegetarian zombies and the most over-used  
lines in Hollywood. Alexander and Anchor make videos about pop  
culture using pop culture appropriated images, found sound, animated  
objects, and live action playing off film and television tropes.  
Bryan Robinson's short 100 Degrees is a short performance, at first  
glance seems like just mugging for the camera, but on second  
consideration, is a complicated dissection of city stoop/street  
culture and the huckster tradition. Mark Stansberry's teenage ghetto  
grrrl anti-hero Puddin' can't stay outta trouble. Her adventures are  
funny, and reflect the often omitted voice of the urban kid. Nikc  
Miller's Fat Kid Going to the Dentist is a goofy pop song video about  
a fat kid going to the dentist, a much undiscussed social-political  
position. Eric Dyer's Kinetic Sandwich magnifies and dissects the  
everyday lunch sandwich with rhythm and grace not often attributed to  
lunch meat worship.

The Connie and Bonnie Show was a featured performance in the 2005  
Transmodern Age Festival and is a mainstay of the underground cabaret  
scene in Baltimore. Connie and Bonnie videos have also screened in  
festivals around the U.S. Rahne released her first solo record in  
2005 and is touring with the Tranny Road Show this spring. Rahne and  
Kristen produce video art together and also have an all-girl garage  
rock band called The Degenerettes, currently recording their first  
album. This Spring, Kristen and Rahne were the emcee's for  
Transmodern Age 2006.

Kristen Anchor is a Baltimore media artist and musician. Anchor is  
Director of the Creative Alliance MovieMakers at the Creative  
Alliance, a grass roots nonprofit venue in Baltimore, where she  
develops and produces film/video programs, workshops and screenings.  
Her films have screened all over the U.S. and are included in several  
compilation DVDs. Anchor is also a founding member of the Charm City  
Kitty Club, a group of women who put on quarterly queer cabaret of  
that name (named Best Queer Event, Balt. City Paper, 2003; 2004 Curve  
Magazine Lesbian Theatre Award). She's the drummer for The  
Degenerettes, Baltimore's underground garage rock sensation.

Rahne Alexander is a songwriter & comedian from Baltimore. She is a  
frequent emcee of the Charm City Kitty Club and performs regularly  
with her garage rock band The Degenerettes. In 2005 she released her  
debut CD, Blonde on A Bum Trip. Her solo and collaborative  
performances have appeared across the US with the Tranny Roadshow,  
Transmodern Age, Baltimore Pride, Gender Crash, and Dark Odyssey.  
Alexander profiles artists for the Baltimore Gay Life newspaper.

Kristen's CV - http://homepage.mac.com/kristen.anchor/keanchor.html
Sample videos:  http://homepage.mac.com/kristen.anchor/ 
Rahne's website:  http://www.rahne.com/
Connie and Bonnie Show website: http://www.degenerettes.com/connie- 

----/ Venue Info /------------------------------------------------------

Artists' Television Access
992 Valencia sreet
san Francisco

----/ Additional Info /-------------------------------------------------



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