
> signout.php does not redirect to index.php by default.
> Please show apache error log entry. You said "The apache logs show that it's
> looking for index.php in the document root, but that is not the same as the
> path described above.". It does not mean anything to others, because we
> don't see "that".

"that" was the DocumentRoot. I didn't think it was necessary to
explictly specify. I thought it was enough to indicate that it was
different. In any case, it was /home/httpd/mydomain.com/html/

> Check your SquirrelMail configuration. Check conf.pl 1. Organization
> Preferences -> 5.  Signout Page value. If you don't know what it does,
> setting must be empty or '../src/login.php' without quotes.

This was the problem. It was previously empty. It only worked when I
specified ../src/login.php.

Thanks so much.
Best regards,

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