
I'm using sqwebmail Version 0.37-7 that came with my Debian Distribution
and OpenLdap (slapd 2.0.23) to to hold my contacts.
Everything seems to work all right, i.e. I can search for addresses an add
those to my 'nickname-list"
Things get strange when the search retrieves names with special Characters
in like Ü Ö Ä (If they are not displayed correctly at your site: these are
the vocals u, o and a with an colon on top of them; they are frequently
used in German speaking countries). Not only the special character gets
mixed up, the whole name does. For instance the name "Richard Büsing" (i.e.
Richard Busing) is retrieved as ": UmljaGFyZCBCw7xzaW5n"
While all names without these charcters are retrieved correctly. Other LDAP
clients display these names correctly as well.
Does anyone have an idea how to fix this one?



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