Petri Riihikallio writes:

> I think I found a track! I have not used to running suid CGIs. I 
> started thinking that maybe sqwebmail isn't executing under the privs 
> I am expecting. I don't know any way to test this. Researching Apache 
> docs revealed that I need suexec enabled, which I didn't have.

Sqwebmail does not support any mode of operation other than suid CGIs
with suexec DISabled.  If you know what you're doing you can make sqwebmail
work with suexec ENabled but one of the things you have to do to make it
work is NOT have suid CGIs (suexec refuses to run suid CGIs).

Since you apparently do not have suexec enabled you do not need to go
through the pain of figuring out how to make it all work with suexec,
especially as Mr Sam does not support that mode of operation.  Of course,
it is entirely possible that your distribution comes with an Apache that
DOES have suexec enabled (Red Hat do this, so do others).  So you need
to look in your httpd logs directory - if you see an suexec then you
probably do have suexec enabled.

Paul Allen
Softflare Support

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