
On 09.10.19 18:32, "Hans-Jürgen Brand" wrote:
> Hello List,
> i use the uac modul with remote users in SQL db. 
> I have 2 users in this database. Kamailio is installed in private
> network ( The first user in UAC tabel is a remote
> user on sip server in the same network. For that I have set up the UAS
> with modparam("uac", "reg_contact_addr", "192.168.100.xx:5060") and
> this works fine. The second user is a remote user on public network.
> Kamailio can be reached over Dyndns Name and NAT Router will forwared
> SIP on 5080 and RTP to RTPENGINE. Registration works, but the public
> SIP Server get a wrong CONTACT Header. If I change the modparam("uac",
> "reg_contact_addr", "mySipServer:5080") the external user works fine,
> but the internal is not working. 
> Can I change the Contact Header before Kamailio send out the Register?
> or can I set diffrent modparam("uac", "reg_contact_addr",....)

Is Kamailio listening on two sockets and you have uacreg records with
the socket field set? Maybe the module can be extended to use the socket
field to build the Contact address, or just add a new field in database
table to hold the contact host, port and protocol (user part will be
filled by the module in the code).

For now, like Henning said, try to update the contact header in


Daniel-Constantin Mierla -- www.asipto.com
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