
I haven't followed closely the entire discussion, but for proper
clarification, if one needs to add a header to a received SIP response
that is forwarded, then it has to use append_hf(...) inside on/reply_route.

The append_to_reply() should be used for SIP responses to be generated
by Kamailio.


On 14/03/2017 23:46, Alex Balashov wrote:
> append_to_reply("Record-Route: <sip:...>\r\n");
> But I'd like to advise against it once more. :) 
> -- Alex
> --
> Principal, Evariste Systems LLC (www.evaristesys.com)
> Sent from my Google Nexus.
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Daniel-Constantin Mierla
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Kamailio Advanced Training - Mar 6-8 (Europe) and Mar 20-22 (USA) - 
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