you have to load the cfg_rpc module (
http://www.kamailio.org/docs/modules/5.0.x/modules/cfg_rpc.html). Then you
can run

kamcmd cfg.set_now_int core debug <LEVEL>.



On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 5:24 PM, Ginhoux, Patrick <
patrick.ginh...@fr.unisys.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Previously, in my kamailio.cfg 3.3.1, the debug level is set using the
> ‘debug’ option.
> Then with the MI_FIFO module it was simple to change debug level on the
> flight using the simple command ‘kamctl fifo debug <new value>’.
> Moving to kamailio 5.0.x, there is no more MI_FIFO module. In the
> kamailio.cfg, I still have the ‘debug’ option set; so I’m looking for the
> command to use to change the debug level.
> I look at the debugger module that seems the solution. So I add the
> following lines in y script:
> debug=4
> loadmodule "debugger.so"
> modparam("debugger", "log_level", 1)
> modparam("debugger", "mod_hash_size", 5)
> modparam("debugger", "mod_level_mode", 1)
> Then I try to use the following commands :
> This one retrieves the debug level set by the debug=4) :
> [root@vm-vse02-siprouter1 kamailio]# kamcmd dbg.get_mod_level core
> 4
> This one changed the debug level for the core module
> [root@vm-vse02-siprouter1 kamailio]# kamcmd dbg.set_mod_level core 2
> 200 ok
> Same commands can be used for each of the module loaded:
> [root@vm-vse02-siprouter1 kamailio]# kamcmd dbg.get_mod_level tm
> 4
> [root@vm-vse02-siprouter1 kamailio]# kamcmd dbg.set_mod_level tm 2
> 200 ok
> [root@vm-vse02-siprouter1 kamailio]# kamcmd dbg.get_mod_level dispatcher
> 4
> [root@vm-vse02-siprouter1 kamailio]# kamcmd dbg.set_mod_level dispatcher 2
> 200 ok
> Each command only applies to a specific module.
> I don’t find a ‘global’ command that I could use in the same manner as the
> old ‘kamctl fifo debug’ command.
> Is there something I missed in my config ?
> Cordialement
> Patrick GINHOUX
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