I'm having a little trouble with forced commands. I'm using openssh. I have 
2 clients and a firewall in between. I want to scp from the one client to 
the other without the firewall. I have set up ssh from the one client to 
the firewall and from the firewall to the other client. It works fine. But 
then I added a forced command to the $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys on the 
firewall. It looks like: no_pty,command="ssh -l account client2" 1024 rest 
of key.
I also have the file $HOME/.ssh/config on client one looking like
host client2
        hostname firewall
        user account

But when I try ssh account@client2 on client1 I just get connected to the 
Any idea why it's not forwarding to the other client?
Must ssh-agent run and on whitch client or firewall?


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