URL: https://github.com/SSSD/sssd/pull/5863
Title: #5863: Responder and Child process tevent chain id improvements

justin-stephenson commented:
> > This introduced an issue where `[ldb]` messages are tagged with CID/RID, 
> > which makes the log analyzer output quite unfriendly/ugly.
> But this requires log with `SSSDBG_TRACE_LDB` enabled - something that should 
> not really happen much in the wild, right? Probably we don't have to do 
> anything with it at all?

You are right, I forgot i had debug_level = 10 set. Probably it can be ignored 
> ```
> >      if (debug_chain_id > 0) {
> > -        sss_debug_backtrace_printf(level, debug_chain_id_fmt, 
> > debug_chain_id);
> > +        if (strcmp(function, "ldb") != 0) {
> ```
> Doesn't look appealing... Imo, even check for `level` would be better, but 
> see above.

Ok disregard.

See the full comment at 
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