However, from an user perspective... what is the interest of showing different
icon per client.

Imagine that it's a presence-only device, like a phone, for example.

Arguably, this should be a defined value used in the identity element -- <identity category='client' type='presence' name='PTT'/> or whatever -- and handled accordingly. (And yes, I think a presence- only device should respond to disco queries, even if some specialized server is responding on the device's behalf.) You can do the same thing with type='web' and type='pc' and so on.

I like displaying the client/name version in contact tooltips as much as the next person, but only because users like that info. If they didn't, there wouldn't be options in BitTorrent clients to see what client all your connected peers use, and my temporary removal of those client tooltips from an early Astra build would not have been met with a hail of bug-report submissions demanding the feature back.

But using that information for anything more than display to end-users is a mistake; the information is there not because it is functionally meaningful, but because end-users want it. /Why/ end-users want it is not particularly relevant to the point. :)

Rachel Blackman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Trillian Messenger -

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