Matthew Wild wrote:
People want this, it's trivial to do, we should
standardize a way of doing it. Done.

Actually there is already a standard for address discovery - STUN. By the way, you didn't tell why this XEP is useful and why it is better than STUN, or when to use this XEP and when to use STUN.
Now this XEP isn't telling people not to use STUN, TURN, UDP or
Jingle... it's for the people who don't want or need to use those
technologies (perhaps for the moment).

This XEP adds incomprehension: a Jabber developer might be confused which approach to choose: this XEP or STUN.
I don't feel we should be
limiting what people want to do with XMPP, or how they should build
their applications

Agreed. But I think we need to use a common well-tested solution, and not invent our own without necessity, if possible.

BTW, STUN has a protection from poorly written ALGs which rewrite IP addresses, that's why MAPPED-ADDRESS is now deprecated in favor of XOR-MAPPED-ADDRESS. This XEP doesn't have such protection.

Evgeniy Khramtsov, ProcessOne.

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