Hi Dave, 

Happy that the conversation has begun. 

a) In short. Yes, they are useful, but we don’t know what others thinks until 
we invite them to share their story. The overall reaction that I get from 
people is that they don’t feel that their voice has been listened to and they 
don’t know where and with whom to communicate. That’s one of the reason for the 

b) As little as possible. For example; there must be use-cases that are not IoT 
related when you’ve non-authorized entities that you want to authenticate by a 
3rd party. 

c) This is what I’m working on: 
a. I’m involved with several projects to which we provide our product (Clayster 
Exchange) that use: XEP323, 324, 325, 326 and 347. We’re also thinking about 
using some of the XEPs that are not published yet (Event and Interoperability). 
There are other companies in those projects that has implemented the XEPs too 
and will release open source code for that.
b. Next week I’m speaking at oneM2M invited by Orange and Nokia about IoT and 
XMPP (including the IoT XEPs).
c. In November I’m speaking in Berlin about IoT and Privacy using XMPP.
d. I’m in discussion with people at OCF about their work using XMPP and want 
on-board them here to sync.
e. My goal is to gather every IoT XMPP project that exist, so we can agree on a 
unified way forward.
f. I’ve reach out to people at the IETF MILE Working Group to invite them to 
join and to learn more about their work.
g. Smack has now support for parts of the IoT XEP (XEP323, 324, 324, 325, 326 
and 347) and I’m in discussion with XMPPFramework.

As soon as I’ve talked to all the different IoT XMPP projects I would like to 
set up a meeting so everyone can tell their story on how they are using XMPP 
for the IoT. Then we will be able to democratize the work forward. 

To answer Davide, 
Yes, you can go on using the existing IoT XEPs.

On 2016-10-11, 20:18, "Standards on behalf of Dave Cridland" 
<standards-boun...@xmpp.org on behalf of d...@cridland.net> wrote:

    I think it's probably more useful to discuss the IoT SIG proposal here.
    Firstly, it'd be useful to gather a sense of the current state of
    play. It seems to me we have a number of IoT-related XEPs and
    proposals - due to a huge amount of effort by Peter Waher - but its
    not clear to me which of these have any traction. It would be great if
    people working on IoT (and using XMPP) could say which of these are
    generally working well for them.
    Secondly, I'm of the opinion - and opinions can always be changed -
    that the existing IoT proposals are something of an isolated suite.
    Looking at the IETF MILE Working Group, we have the XMPP-Grid proposal
    which seems a similar shape to the IoT proposal, and similarly uses
    little of the existing mechanics we have. For example, it provides a
    publish-subscribe facility, a registration facility, and so on. The
    payloads are different, but the essential goals the same. I cannot see
    what would drive a difference in the containing protocol between (say)
    counts of stanzas in an XMPP server, temperature readings in a sensor,
    and sightings of a Cyber Observable pattern.
    So before I offer my personal support to an IoT SIG, I'd like to know:
    a) Is the IoT work done so far (both XEPs and proposals for them)
    useful to people?
    b) How much of this work is (or should be) IoT-specific?
    On 11 October 2016 at 02:05, Peter Saint-Andre <stpe...@stpeter.im> wrote:
    > FYI. If you are not a member of the XSF, feel free to discuss this here on
    > the standards@xmpp.org list...
    > -------- Forwarded Message --------
    > Subject: Internet of Things SIG
    > Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2016 19:03:19 -0600
    > From: Peter Saint-Andre <stpe...@stpeter.im>
    > To: XSF Members <memb...@xmpp.org>
    > I propose that we form a special interest group (see XEP-0002) regarding 
    > use of XMPP in the Internet of Things:
    > http://xmpp.org/extensions/inbox/iot-sig.html
    > I plan to bring up this matter in the next XSF Board meeting. Discussion
    > among the membership would be welcome, too.
    > Peter
    > --
    > Peter Saint-Andre
    > https://stpeter.im/
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