* Kevin Smith <kevin.sm...@isode.com> [2017-11-23 18:33]:
> On 23 Nov 2017, at 17:11, Daniel Gultsch <dan...@gultsch.de> wrote:
> > For me it doesn't ever make sense to store type=groupchat messages in
> > the user archive.

I agree with that. We shouldn't make MAM more complicated, and we should
specify that MAM should not ever return type=groupchat messages when
queried (or maybe even that it should not store them).

> The main use case for having gc messages in the archive is “I remember
> I saw someone say something interesting about X, so now I’m going to
> search my archive for X to find it”, which really needs to have all
> the messages you’ve seen available, rather than splitting them between
> multiple sources, some of which won’t support MAM.

For search, I think it would be better to define a separate mechanism
where the client can query the archive, and the archive can (if it wants
to) search whatever messages it has stored internally, but not return
those messages to normal MAM queries.

I really can't see a search implementation that first downloads the full
archive to the client and then searches locally.

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++ IRCnet OFTC OPN ||_________________________________________________||

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