On Sat, 23 Jun 2018, 12:24 Tedd Sterr, <teddst...@outlook.com> wrote:

> http://logs.xmpp.org/council/2018-06-20/#15:00:27
> *1) Roll Call and Sandwich Orders*
> Present: Kev, Sam, Daniel
> Stuck in endless meetings: Dave
> Deep under-cover behind enemy lines: Georg

So... I wasn't stuck in meetings this time, instead I had a "family
emergency" (read: parents in law having a puncture) to deal with during the
meeting. Before that, I've a charity I try to help run stuck in a mire of
paperwork I'm trying to get through. Since then, though, I've been on
leave, driving about the UK with my son looking at universities, with
either the time or the bandwidth to deal with all this, but never both...

I'll be doing the same still tomorrow (no idea where I'll be during the
meeting - perhaps on the M1, possibly the M25 - we're doing London
university colleges next) - so I'll miss the meeting again I'm afraid.

Next week I was going to be away again... But I think I might not be now.
I'll try to get things back to normal. (Well the normal I aspire to anyway).

> *2) Isn't it nice that Tedd Sterr does the agenda?*
> [It's a dirty job, but somebody should do it.]

Thanks for filling this gap.

> *3) Advance XEP-0363: HTTP File Upload*
> Kev: [on-list] (without the agenda in advance, failed to look at this
> again)
> Sam: [on-list] (still nervous about the http headers stuff being too
> restrictive)
> Daniel: +1
> Dave: [pending]
> Georg: [pending]

I'm still pending on this one. My gut feeling is that the protocol is ready
for advancement but the specification of it is not - but I'll properly
review this before next week.

> *4) Deprecate XEP-0229: Stream Compression with LZW (and XEP-0138: Stream
> Compression)*
> Kev doesn't know why this appeared on the agenda - Daniel thinks it was
> voted on 6 months ago - Kev agrees that it did come up before.
> Daniel thinks it's probably due to perceived insecurity; Kev sees that
> there was a vote in April not to advance it.
> Sam: +0
> Kev: -0
> Daniel: -0
> Dave: [pending]
> Gerg: [pending]
> Daniel thinks compression is generally nice to have, and maybe this could
> be made secure with proper business rules.
> Sam agrees that compression is nice to have, but isn't against getting rid
> of it.
> Kev says that some sort of compression is desirable, as XMPP is heavily
> compressible and sometimes used on poor links.
> Daniel thinks this issue should be revisited soon. Kev agrees - it could
> be Stream Compression, or EXI (XEP-0322), or something else - but
> deprecating isn't the Right Thing™ at the moment; Sam agrees.

Well... I certainly wouldn't deprecate XEP-0138. But I probably would
deprecate XEP-0229.

> *5) Outsanding Votes et les Vol-au-vents*
> [Georg had two -- now done:
> https://mail.jabber.org/pipermail/standards/2018-June/035191.html]

Ooooh. I now have outstanding voles.

I'll put Georg's into the Spreadsheet of Doom... At some point. (Home at
the weekend, I'll try to remember then).

> *6) Next Meeting, Next Meal*
> 2018-06-27 1500 UTC
> *7) Bier und AOB*
> Nobody shouts imminently.
> *8) Close and Take Your Rubbish Home with You*
> Thanks all; show's over!
> *Discussion of EXI continues...*
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