
"Services will inject the hash in directed presences automatically but will
not resend the presence if the avatar gets updated. Thus clients MAY resend
directed available presence to all Multi-User Chats after receiving a
'urn:xmpp:avatar:metadata' update notification. The service will then
inject an updated version of the hash. To avoid sending unnecassary
presence updates, resending should only occur if the service annouces the
'urn:xmpp:pep-vcard-conversion:0' feature."

1. Can we not let the server resend presence after a vcard/0084 update?

2. "To avoid sending unnecassary presence updates, resending should only
occur if the service annouces the 'urn:xmpp:pep-vcard-conversion:0'

It basically says: Dont do the things that are mentioned in this XEP if the
server doesnt support this XEP. In this case resending presence after a
metadata node update. I think this is implied by any XEP, that if your
counterpart does not have support, things mentioned in this XEP do not apply

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