On 19/06/2019 19.46, Sergey Ilinykh wrote:

I mostly implemented SIMS in Psi and see next problems

1) The requirement for top-level reference element looks strange.
   In Most of the case when I want to share something, I don't want to refer to anything.    If I really want to have a reference I would add it inside of <media-sharing>.

The idea here is very similar to Twitter Entities [1,2]. The primary advantage of using References is that you can provide a fallback to refer to a location where the media can be found, in case the client doesn't support certain media descriptors. I don't think the current examples show this very well, but instead of the "view" being referenced in the example, you could have a URL to access the picture in a browser.

[1] <https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/tweets/data-dictionary/overview/entities-object> [2] <https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/tweets/data-dictionary/overview/extended-entities-object>

Also note that you don't have to use `start` and `end`, if you don't want to point to the plain text.

2) Top-level reference doesn't state what has to be in "uri" which is required

I agree that References still needs a lot of work. However, beyond the value needing to be a valid URI, I think everything works. How I used it, was providing a URI to retrieve the resource over HTTP. Do you have any particular concerns here?

3) Seems like only one <media-sharing> element is allowed while it's quite common to share multiple files at once with just one description. Sending each shared file via separate stanza doesn't look to be a good option since servers often limit sending rate and separate stanzas somehow corrupt logical scope.

But you *can* use multiple References. Would that work for you?

4) I want to use SIMS for voice messages but there is no any metadata for audio.    I need at least duration and amplitude diagram there. Something like following would be really
    nice to have:
<tune xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/tune'>tune data here</tune>
      <spectrum coding="u8">0,3,135,237,210,195,243,137,...,4,4,1</spectrum>

That sounds very interesting. I don't remember anyone suggesting a metadata format for this before and I didn't get to specify this in my previous project which would have eventually needed a format for voice messages. So what you could do is first define your own namespace and experiment with what works for your use case, and then eventually maybe submit it as a new XEP.

Also, I support this element would go inside the <file/> wrapper?

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