Am Mittwoch, den 02.09.2020, 16:23 +0100 schrieb Dave Cridland:
> Hey all,
> Really simple questions, so please do reply and answer:
> If you have an XMPP product or public project, do you claim
> compliance with XEP-0423?
> If you do not claim compliance, are you aiming for compliance with
> XEP-0423?
Yes, this is clear indication of what is considered to modern features
(among 400+ extensions) so it's a good tangible goal for development

Plus it gives possibility for users to raise issues for non-compliance
(or missing features from the compliance) which they gladly do.

Compliance tool (thanks to Daniel et al.) makes it even more tangible
and together with xmpp observatory they make a good pair of badges to
Even though compliance tool is far from being complete representation
of the 0432.

Variety of compliance standards though makes it a bit less motivating,
as one can say - ok, i'm probably not 2020 compliant because it just reached 
2019 compliance and it's still good enough for me.

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