On 18.12.20 19:10, Dave Cridland wrote:
On Fri, 18 Dec 2020 at 17:01, JC Brand <li...@opkode.com <mailto:li...@opkode.com>> wrote:

Hi all

I've submitted a PR for a new protoXEP: MUC Mention Notifictions


Thanks, this looks like a solid start and I will be voting to accept it.

Thanks, your cheque is in the mail.


1) I think it would benefit from an example of the mention itself, though I assume it to be the message shown as forwarded in §3.2

Yeah, it would just be a copy paste of the inner <message>. I've added some clarifying text to the bottom of the example.

2) Section 3.2 shows a message being forwarded to a full jid for the mentioned user - is this intentional?

Nope, fixed thanks.

3) The message forwarded doesn't contain, and is not accompanied by, a MAM stanza-id, which might be useful to locate it in the MUC archive. Can we include this if the room is archived?

Ok, I added it.

I was wondering whether I should include the stanza-id or not and originally decided not to in order to keep the stanza clear and to the point of this particular XEP.


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