
I've been checking current Pull Requests on hold recently, and I see a large number of them are blocked by "Needs Author", "Needs Council" or "Needs Board", and I'm really interested in seeing some of them merged.

I'm pretty sure that many of those PRs are just forgotten, and the longer they're forgotten, the harder it will be to merge them due to merge conflicts or other issues.

Thus I'm proposing that the council and board do a review of all waiting PRs, something like once a month. Of course if may be tedious the first time, but hopefully the number of blocked PRs will shrink quickly.

An other problem is that lot of PRs are blocked by "Needs Author", either because the author(s) forgot, or because they're not interested in the XMPP community anymore, or just disappeared. What is the policy in those cases, and can be unblock the currently concerned PRs?

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