
without trying to rehash what Matthew said I just wanted to give my +1
to everything he said.

Inline + User-Agent good. Very skeptical on forbidding PLAIN and the
dependency on channel binding.

I don’t yet have on opinion on the tasks issue.


On Tue, Oct 18, 2022 at 4:02 PM Matthew Wild <mwi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> For context, there is an update to XEP-0388 (SASL2) pending:
>   PR: https://github.com/xsf/xeps/pull/1214
>   HTML: https://dyn.eightysoft.de/final/xep-0388.html
>   HTML (diff): https://matthewwild.co.uk/uploads/xep-0388-diff.html
> As per policy, we're bringing any substantial discussion to the
> mailing list. Nevertheless, you'll find an initial review by Dave
> (original author of the XEP) at the above link.
> We have quite a few prototype implementations of (many of) the new
> changes already in Prosody, Conversations, Monal, Gajim and Siskin.
> The main changes that I'm interested in are the following:
> 1) Advertisement of supported "inline" features
> One of the initial premises of SASL2 was that you would be able to
> negotiate various other things at the same time as authenticating. For
> example, this quote from the original XEP:
> "In order to provide support for other desired stream states beyond
> authentication, additional child elements are used. For example, a
> hypothetical XEP-0198 session resumption element might be included,
> and/or Resource Binding requests."
> To make it easier to talk about, I generally refer to this feature as
> "inlining" (which is different to pipelining, another similar method
> to reduce round-trips).
> While implementing, I quickly realised that the server supporting
> SASL2 and also supporting XEP-0198 is not enough information to
> determine that the server supports negotiating XEP-0198 inline within
> SASL2. For this reason we added the <inline> element within the SASL2
> stream feature element. This <inline> lists the features that are
> supported for SASL2 inlining. An example of this can be found here:
> https://dyn.eightysoft.de/final/xep-0388.html#example-2
> It's important to stress that, despite calling out XEP-0198 and Bind 2
> in the changelog and text, this is intended for example purposes only.
> There is no intention to increase the scope of XEP-0388 to cover which
> specific protocols can be negotiated (in fact this is the whole reason
> for introducing <inline/> as an extension point).
> Therefore, the exact rules for handling inlining of features are to be
> specified elsewhere. For example, there is a proposed update to
> XEP-0198 for exactly this: https://github.com/xsf/xeps/pull/1215
> I have also submitted an update proposal for XEP-0386 Bind 2, which
> uses <inline> to advertise support (it will need to be revised if
> <inline> is not accepted).
> 2) <user-agent>
> One thing that has always frustrated me with our current
> authentication flow is that things like per-device credentials were
> impossible to do (securely). It's possible for e.g. PLAIN that a
> server could iterate through a list of acceptable passwords. But this
> doesn't work for more advanced mechanisms such as SCRAM. The same
> issue applies to token authentication, if we want to support fancier
> mechanisms such as Florian's HT-* proposal.
> We solved this by adding a stable client identifier. Its value and
> lifetime are client-chosen, but it allows the server to scope
> credentials to a specific client. This allows per-device credentials,
> more advanced authentication flows, and finally opens up the door to
> being able to view and manage what clients currently have access to
> your account (something that is invisible when all you have is a
> single password shared across all your clients).
> It also provides a foundation for many other advanced features, such
> as the server being able to associate things like push registrations
> to specific clients, and therefore stop pushing data to client
> developer push services if you no longer use their client (although we
> already attempt such cleanup, it's pretty hacky and unreliable right
> now).
> As well as the client identifier, the element optionally allows the
> client to include software and platform name. This can be used for
> diagnostic purposes ("what is this client that always fails to
> connect?") as well as allowing the server to provide more information
> to users about what is accessing their account.
> Now, there are some other changes in this update. My reading of Dave's
> review is that features related to specific mechanisms (such as the
> SCRAM upgrade) are out of scope for this document. I think I agree
> with that assessment. Likewise, channel binding is already covered by
> XEP-0440 and individual mechanisms. It would be good to keep this XEP
> as a mechanism-agnostic framework.
> Finally, I'm on the fence about one thing: switching the task syntax
> from base64 data to XML (and separately, dropping the
> <continue>/<next> framework). I'll start a separate thread about this,
> as it probably needs more discussion and this email is long enough
> already.
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