On Tue, Oct 18, 2022 at 10:11 PM Matthew Wild <mwi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > …do we really need <inline/>?

Yes. The ability to announce that a certain feature a) exists b)
supports SASL2 inline must be announced.
For example regular SM might not even be announced prior to authentication.

The only question is if we create a new top level stream feature
called <sm-line/> (we briefly had that in one of our drafts IIRC) or
if we bunch up all line features in a wrapper element called <inline/>

If we ever do a SM2 your just include everything opportunistically
approach falls apart.

I mean feature announcements are an integral part to XMPP. I'm not
sure why SASL2 inlining would be the place to get rid of it.

> New Bind 2 is already implemented by at least Prosody, Conversations
> and Monal. We learnt a lot from our collaboration and testing, and
> have tweaked and improved various things along the way as we
> discovered what did and didn't work well during implementation.
> Overall, I'm pretty happy with what we have working.

I agree. SASL2 + Bind 2 + inline SM + token auth is a great combination.

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