On Sat, 19 Nov 2022 at 17:52, Florian Schmaus <f...@geekplace.eu> wrote:
> I was aware of what Daniel and you wrote. But that does not give an
> answer why there *need* to be two places. What would break if there was
> only one?

It wouldn't be logical if it was only advertised in one place (which
one place would you choose?).

> Similar, the client's response to the server's features is currently
> <authenticate mechanism="HT-SHA-256-EXPR" xml:lang="en"
> xmlns="urn:xmpp:sasl:2">
> <initial-response>dXNlcm5hbWUAYWJjMTIzYWJjMTIzYWJjMTIzYWJjMTIz</initial-response>
>    <user-agent id="f140c0a6-4268-4f91-b33b-f01bcff590a1">
>      <software>Conversations</software>
>    </user-agent>
>    <bind xmlns="urn:xmpp:bind:0">
>      <tag>Conversations</tag>
>      <enable xmlns="urn:xmpp:carbons:2"/>
>      <enable resume="true" xmlns="urn:xmpp:sm:3"/>
>    </bind>
>    <resume h="15" previd="Cs2XQsE749BM" xmlns="urn:xmpp:sm:3"/>
>    <fast xmlns="urn:xmpp:fast:0"/>
> </authenticate>
> Why not shove everything into a single place here (e.g. under <bind/>)?

Because you might do SASL2 without binding, for example (not a common
case I'm sure, but it's possible already today with traditional
SASL/bind). Also note that In this example <bind> is optional, since
the client says it would prefer to resume an existing session if

The things outside of <bind> are things that you negotiate separately
to (before) resource binding.

> Slightly related: I am getting a strong vibe that Bind 2 and SASL 2
> should be one document, as they appear to be tightly coupled.

We made the decision to make Bind 2 dependent on SASL 2 (that is, it
can't be used with SASL1 or outside of a SASL2 exchange), as it
significantly simplified some things. However there is no reverse
dependency: SASL 2, like traditional SASL, does not bind a resource. I
don't see a need to merge the two documents. There would be just as
strong arguments for merging XEP-0198, as that is also tightly linked
to the stream initialization process.

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