On 20/02/2023 11.05, JC Brand wrote:

On 20.02.23 10:32, Florian Schmaus wrote:
On 13/02/2023 16.57, Daniel Gultsch wrote:
I’m currently looking at implementing 'Message Retraction' and I think
it should get rid of Fastening.

I mentioned it during Summit and while it wasn’t discussed much
further my comment also didn’t get much protest: I think Fastening is

A general purpose approach doesn’t seem to work for MAM.

Luckily I think removing it from Retraction is fairly simple.

We can just stick the ID into the retract element and send something

<retract xmlns='urn:xmpp:message-retract:1' id="origin-id-1"/>

Since origin-id is spoofable, one should not use it when referencing other stanzas. Instead always use the 'id' *and* 'by' value of xep359's <stanza-id> element.

So the example above should become something like

<retract xmlns='urn:xmpp:message-retract:1'>
  <referenced-stanza id='xep359-stanza-id' by='muc.example.org'/>

While one could argue that the 'by' attribute could potentially be omitted and made implicit, e.g., it has the value of the MUC service that hosts the MUC in which a message got retracted, I believe this could lead far too easily to insecure implementations that only compare the id value, making the technically unspoofable xep359 stanza-id spoofable again [1]. Therefore I would strongly consider making it mandatory and explicit.

Fair enough. I searched in the XEPs repo to see if some other XEP uses <referenced-stanza> and no-one does, even though there are other XEPs that do similar things, like XEP-0444 reactions

That is probably because I just made that example up. But I am a long time advocate that referencing other stanzas must always use the 'id' *and* 'by' tuple.

That recent discussion motivated me to prepare

- Flow

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