                                           Tue, 04 Sep 2001 17:05:09
                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                           Richard Sanders
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | Block Address
                                           99 NGOs endorse COAT's
festival of nonviolence, Oct.6

                            Updated list: 99 NGOs have now endorsed
COAT's "No to NATO: Festival of Creative NonViolence"

                            As of September 4, the Coalition to Oppose
the Arms Trade (COAT) has
                            received almost 100 NGO endorsements for our
"No to NATO: Festival of
                            Creative Nonviolence," to be held on October
6 (1-5 pm), in Majors Hill
                            Park, Ottawa.

                            Some of the endorsers are large national
organizations (like the Canadian
                            Auto Workers, the Canadian Federation of
Students, the Council of
                            Canadians, the New Democratic Party-Canada
and the National Union of Public
                            and General Employees.  Others are regional
or local groups focused on
                            peace, human rights, the environment and
other issues.  We now have 24 NGOs
                            from 10 other countries.

                            Please help us to build even more support
for this initiative by
                            encouraging other NGOs to endorse the
festival.  All are welcome.  The more
                            the merrier!  The two main purposes of the
festival are summarized

                            We will list all endorsing organizations in
written materials for the
                            event, in COAT's quarterly magazine (Press
for Conversion!), our
                            "no_to_nato" list serve and the COAT website
<>  Our
                            website will eventually include contact
information, web links and a 30
                            word description of each organization.
Endorsing NGOs are also invited to
                            provide a statement of solidarity for
circulation at the event.

                            Endorsers of COAT's No to NATO: Festival of
Creative NonViolence (as of
                            Sept. 4)

                  , USA
                            Appeal of the Nobel Peace Laureates for
Children - France
                            Association of Serbian Women
                            Australian Peace Committee (S.A. Branch),
                            Australians for a Free East Timor, Australia

                            Barnard-Boecker Centre Foundation
                            Befriending the Earth
                            Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation, UK
                            Bethune Institute for Anti-Fascist Studies
                            British Columbia Voice of Women
                            CAFIET Quadra
                            Canadian Auto Workers
                            Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture
                            Canadian Federation of Students
                            Canadian Orthodox Archdiocese of the
Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Kiev)
                            Canadian Peace Alliance/l'Alliance
canadienne pour la paix
                            Canadian Voice of Women for Peace
                            Central Alberta Raging Grannies
                            Centre for Peace Studies (McMaster
                            Centre for Social Justice
                            Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade
                            Council of Canadians
                            Defence of Canadian Liberty Committee
                            European Regional of the Humanist
                            European Youth For(est) Action The
                            Father's Day Coalition for Peace
                            Fellowship of Reconciliation, USA
                            Fredericton Raging Grannies
                            Friends of Gabriola Island
                            Gerald and Maas
                            Global Compliance Research Project
                            Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear
Power in Space, USA
                            Global Resource Action Center for the
Environment, USA
                            Green Party of Ontario
                            Guideposts for a Sustainable Future
                            Hamilton Action for Social Change
                            Homes not Bombs - Toronto
                            Illinois Peace Action, USA
                            Industrial Workers of the World -
                            International Institute of Concern for
Public Health
                            International Society for Peace and Human
                            International Volunteers for Peace,
                            Island Catholic News
                            Jonah House, USA
                            Kashmiri-Canadian Council
                            Latin American Circle for International
Studies, Mexico
                            Le Centre de Ressources sur la Non-Violence
                            Lethbridge Network for Peace
                            Ligue Anti-Impérialiste de Belgique
                            M.K.Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence, USA
                            Mama Terra / For Mother Earth-Romania
                            Mauritius Action for Disarmament and Peace,
                            Nanoose Expropriation Objectors
                            National Union of Public and General
                            New Democratic Party - Canada
                            Nicaragua-United States Friendship Office,
                            Nuclear Free Philippines Coalition,
                            Nukewatch, USA
                            Ontario Public Interest Research Group -
                            Ontario Public Interest Research Group -
                            Ontario Public Interest Research Group -
                            Ottawa Cuba Connections
                            Peace & Disarmament Working Group/Social
                               Responsibility Cttee., First Unitarian
Congregation, Ottawa.
                            Peace Alliance Winnipeg
                            Peaceful Parks Coalition
                            Project Peacemakers
                            Project Ploughshares - Edmonton
                            Project Ploughshares - Fraser Valley
                            Project Ploughshares - Saskatoon
                            Raging Grannies - Ottawa
                            Rainforest Raging Grannies - Vancouver
                            Science for Peace
                            Sierra Youth Coalition
                            Social Justice Committee of Montreal
                            Social Justice Ministry Group at First
United Church
                            St. Clare's Multifaith Housing Society
                            Students for a Free Tibet - Canada
                            Sunshine Coast Peace Group
                            The Atomic Mirror, USA
                            The Centre for Peace in the Balkans
                            The Clare Community Health Board, Nova
                            The Nuclear Resister, USA
                            Third World Forum
                            Toronto Action for Social Change
                            Vancouver Island Earth Works Society
                            Vancouver Island Public Interest Research
                            Veterans Against Nuclear Arms - Canada
                            Veterans Against Nuclear Arms - Manitoba
                            Victoria Raging Grannies
                            Voices in the Wilderness, USA
                            Washington Peace Center, USA
                            Women's International League for Peace and
Freedom - Canada
                            Woodstock Raging Grannies
                            Zero Tolerance Network

                            * Unless otherwise stated, these NGOs are
located in Canada.

                            * Further updates to this list of endorsing
NGOs will be available in the
                            archive of the no_to_nato list serve which
you can check by visiting the
                            COAT website <> or

                                                      Richard Sanders
                                   Coordinator, Coalition to Oppose the
Arms Trade (COAT)

                                          A national peace network
supported by
                                       individuals and organizations
across Canada

                                      541 McLeod St., Ottawa Ontario K1R
5R2  Canada
                                        Tel.:  613-231-3076      Fax:
                                 Email: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   Web site:

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                             Help build opposition to NATO PA meetings
in Ottawa, Oct. 5-8, 2001!
                                              Join the "no_to_nato" list
                             Send the message:  subscribe no_to_nato
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