Please Forward to Interested Colleagues:
    Job Shadowing, Internships, and Mentoring
           In St. Paul High Schools

         Online Discussion: May 17 - 21

Here is where participants are posting their personal introductions. Stop by to see who is participating:

Note:  Kelleen McIntyre joined our discussion from the UK


For some Job Shadow SUCCESS STORIES from St. Paul high school students and hosts, visit:

Be sure to share your own Job Shadowing Stories with the rest of the group.


In response to David Evertz's question about, "What would it take?" for you or your business to host a job shadow student - we got the following responses.

------------------------ Andrew M. Hine, 3M

"Unfortunately, children are not allowed into 3M Labs for safety and
security reasons, and adults aren't overly welcome either! ;-) But I would still like to encourage St. Paul children to pursue a career in research. I'm sure there are other industries where this is also the case. Not quite sure how to overcome this problem..."


------------------------ Paul Schmitz, Johnson High School

"There has been some discussion at the school sites that perhaps the term "job shadow" has connotations that make some businesses feel uncomfortable. From the business perspective, is that accurate? Would businesses feel more comfortable with "informational interview"? Or some other term?"


------------------------ Jane Prince, City Hall

"I'm always happy to host job shadow students at my office with the St. Paul City Council, because city government can be very interesting and accessible to students. Because it's such a busy place, I need about two week's notice to make time in my schedule to make the experience a meaningful one.

I like to talk to the student in advance to get him or her thinking about a problem or issue in the school or home neighborhood to research while here. When the student arrives, I provide a quick overview of what goes on at City Hall, and then I help the student find answers to the problem he/she has chosen.

Students who shadow on Wednesdays spend a portion of their time sitting in on city council meetings.

I'm not fussy about how I'm contacted to arrange a job shadow -- a cold call or a teacher/administrator plugging me into a schedule is fine for me. But it's important to me that the student has a way to get here and home safely and to know that the school/family is in the loop.

Mornings or afternoons can both work for me; a whole day is challenging to fit into my schedule."


------------------------- Jennifer Armstrong, St. Paul NEAT

"What I heard from people when interviewing them is that they wanted students prepared to meet basic workplace expectations
- punctual
- dressed properly
- courtesy
- respectful, attentive listening

What they didn't want was students who saw the time away from school as "time off" or a chance to play hooky. Students need to go into the environment understanding that the employer has invested time and energy into setting up a quality experience for them and that they need to appreciate that whether or not they come away from the experience thinking that's a career they'd want to pursue.

They also wanted some kind of self-selection process - students who were personally interested in the careers they had to offer and who had spent some time researching those careers."

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This message is being distributed to registrants of
   the St. Paul Job Shadow Event. May 17 - 21

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            questions, please contact:

   Tim Erickson * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * 651-643-0722

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