On Oct 7, 2008, at 8:38 AM, TENEBRAE wrote:

> On Oct 7, 2008, at 9:46 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> The Democrats -- and Obama's -- ties to the current fiscal crisis
>> aren't so arm's length after all:
>> <http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=ZjRjYzE0YmQxNzU4MDJjYWE5MjIzMTMxMmNhZWQ1MTA=


A National Review article that blames it all on the Democrats!!  
Whodathunkit!! What's next? Something from the a Scaife paper saying  
it's Bill Clinton's fault? An article from James Dobson blaming it all  
on the gays??

Amazing that those evil, evil all-powerful commiesymp liberals at  
ACORN had SUCH POWERS that they could convince the largest banks and  
the brightest minds on Wall Street to go along with their nefarious  

ACORN operatives held a no-doubt crack-cocaine-funded pistol to the  
heads of executives on Wall Street and MADE them come up with arcane  
derivatives that hid the risks of these nefarious wealth  
redistributing CRA loans and spread them far and wide.

You should have heard those Wall Street execs weeping and wailing over  
the pain and torture it was to make so damn much money they couldn't  
keep track of it all. Tears of shame and impotent rage stained those  
billions and billions of dollars in bonus checks they were passing out.

Then, no doubt threatening to move into their neighborhoods and run  
down the property values, these nefarious libburuls pointed the same  
guns at the heads of hedge fun managers, and enlisted their  
econoterrorist allies in Europe to also buy into these credit swaps  
that were making piles and piles of money on the deal.

They fanned out across the country, forcing mostly white and wealthy  
people to engage in real estate speculation, buying houses and condos  
on credit just to flip them a month later for a profit.

These same folks (Joe SixPacks all!) were dragged screaming to the  
loan offices to refinance their homes over and over again to extract  
the 'equity' that their homes were generating like magical ATM machines.

You know, if they weren't all liberal stooges, a sharp-eyed reporter  
MIGHT have noticed when heavily armed ACORN commandos were positioned  
in every one of the gazillion mortgage loan offices that sprang up  
like toadstools, threatening dire and godless agonies on every one of  
those loan originating officers if they didn't push jumbo loans, 125%  
loans, and every possible sub-prime loan they could find on everyone  
who walked in.

They even made them convince appraisers to abandon their principles  
(apparently evil commiesymp libburuls are very good at this) and make  
sure that they always turned in appraisals that made the loans work.

And I cannot, on a family mailing list, go into the horrific, stomach- 
churning details of what diabolically evil and depraved tortures they  
inflicted on ratings agencies to make them rate these nominally junk  
vehicles with triple A ratings.

All I can say is that a strange pathological fear of cherry jello is  
oddly rampant on Wall Street. Just a single red cube wriggling back  
and forth on a plate is enough to make the CEO of Moodys shit his  
pants involuntarily.

WOW!!! What are these evil libburuls going to ask for next?


Oops, that was Hank Paulson....

> No matter how the right tries to spin it, deregulation is the crux of
> the issue.
> <http://keatingeconomics.com/>

Oh, that's not fair. How dare you bring up McCain's personal  
involvement and partial culpability in the last great economic  
meltdown in this country in comparison to a passing acquaintance with  
a respected college professor who was acquitted of crimes he was  
alleged to have committed when Obama was eight!!

CLEARLY the latter is MUCH more important!!

And don't you EVEN bring up McCains personal acquaintance with the man  
who has his name on the direct enabling law of the current crisis...or  
the fundraisers being held in his honor by convicted criminals.

No they'd MUCH rather blame that debbil Jimmy Carter for the CRA, even  
though it's been shown that loans made under the CRA had both a lower  
incidence of being sub-prime AND a lower foreclosure rate, and that  
the pressure on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to relax standards came  
from the shareholders and Wall Street wanting in on the money train  
that was the housing bubble.

Bruce Johnson
University of Arizona
College of Pharmacy
Information Technology Group

Institutions do not have opinions, merely customs

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