It's a bug. Mea culpa. 

I think we'll need to change that and pop-out a 1.0.2 release. 

Sorry about that. 

Martin, did you want to do this one too, or should I?


Cedric Dumoulin wrote:
>   Some user have reported that Tiles don't compile with Struts 1.0.1.
>   The problem come from the fact that method
> getMultipartRequestHandler() in ActionForm is protected in 1.0.1.
>   Checking the log, it appear that it is for bug #4997. The same patch
> has been applied in head branch, but method still public. So, we are
> facing an inconsistency : do we need it protected or public ?
>   If protected, Tiles servlet doesn't work anymore with 1.0.1, because
> it has a copy of ActionServlet.processValidate() method, which do a call
> to the protected method getMultipartRequestHandler() ;-(.
>   For now there is two solutions :
>    * Change back protected to public if we don't need
>      getMultipartRequestHandler() to be protected. This still
>      problematic because 1.0.1 is an official release
>    * Move Tiles servlet into the same package as ActionForm and
>      ActionServlet. But in this case full tiles servlet name change, and
>      backward compatibility is broken for Tiles ;-(
>   Does someone have another idea ?
>     Cedric
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-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Java Web Development with Struts.
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