A Dissabte 12 Octubre 2002 00:25, Craig R. McClanahan va escriure:


>  Do *you*
> really want to have to type all those messages in more than once?  Or
> could I use the same source document to produce both the end user docs and
> the message resources file for the webapp?

Is a plain text property=value file so hard to [include|process|transform] to 
fit  in a documentation?

> Earlier, we had discussed and agreed to converting Struts 1.1 to use
> commons-resources (and make the existing MessageResources classes wrappers
> around it, for backwards compatibility).  I'm still +1 on this, and +1 for
> including both XML and DB based implementations in commons-resources.

I'm +1 on this too, this is a good design, that's one of the things that I 
love of struts, good design.

I was only trying to make a joke about how sometimes people misuse a 
technology becuse its [new|cool ] without thinking about the benefits of 
using it.

-- Antoni Reus

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