Sounds like we're all on the same page here. =:0)

I'm also looking at using the Jelly XLST for views as well (a la the Velocity View Tools).

Martin Cooper wrote:
On Sat, 4 Jan 2003, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

Longer term (2.0 time frame probably), I'm playing with more interesting
ideas like using Jelly scripts (or JSP pages) as Actions so you don't have
to write them in Java.  We also need a good high level multi-request
framework, and it might be useful there in automating some of the forward
and backward link references.

I've spent some time playing with writing actions in Jelly, and I think
this has a *lot* of potential. The main issue at the moment has to do with
the lack of pluggable scopes in Jelly. I actually started to work on this
a while ago, but got derailed and never got back to it. I hope to find
some time to finish what I started after Struts 1.1 Final.

Martin Cooper


Ted Husted,
Struts in Action <>

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