You might as well be asking us for stock tips =:0)

Point in fact, none of us have any control over when it will be released. If a user finds a drastic bug in the release candidate that has escaped our notice, then it is unlikely that it would be released until the issue is resolved. But since we don't know what people will find, it's impossible for us to anticipate whether it will need to be fixed, or how long the fix might take.

But even, then there is no surety. The release is a democractic process. Any time we get more +1s then -1s, we can release. But whether any of us are willing to vote +1 depends on the what's in Bugzilla right now. Since we don't know what will be in Bugzilla tomorrow, we can't anticiapte how will vote tommorrow.

The God's honest truth is that anyone watching this list and bugzilla knows as much about when this puppy will be released as the rest of us. You guess is as good as mine, or any other Committers.

If you had been watching this list, then you would know that there is no chance for a 1.1 final to be released by Friday. It takes three days just to vote, and then more time to prepare the distribution. Not to mention that a RC that lasted less than a week or ten days would be worthless.

But here's the bottom line: If you have to ask when it will be released, then assume it won't be.


Thomas L Roche wrote:
I am NOT gonna ask, "when do youse think 1.1 final will release,"
because I believe I know the answer. (Something like, "when it's
@$#%^&*! ready!" :-)

But I would appreciate your _opinions_ (which will NOT be held against
you in a court of law!) on the odds that 1.1 final will ship on or
before F 28 Mar 03. (Just a date that, umm, some manager hit when s/he
threw a dart at a calendar :-)

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Ted Husted,
Struts in Action <>

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