At 12:01 -0400 8/6/03, Sgarlata Matt wrote:
Good point!  I ran originally ran into the resource bundle problem a long
time ago, and forgot that there are other application-wide settings that
would be nice to inherit from module to module.

1) Declarative Exception Handling (<global-exceptions>) - in my application,
each module treats exceptions the same way, so we end up copying the
<global-exceptions> portion of the struts-config file from module to module.
2) Global Forwards - same deal with global forwards.  We have a "debug"
forward that we use when debugging Action classes that gets copied to every
module(System.out.println isn't practical on some application servers, and
we haven't implemented log4j yet, so "debug" isn't a great example, but I'm
sure someone can think of a better one)

Maybe this is just pointing out a need to better understand the relationships between modules? Although they work for many of us in a simple fashion, problems like yours (among others) seem to point out ways in which the modularization is not completely worked out yet.

Just a thought. I'm in between major Struts projects at the moment, so I don't have anything fresh in my own head.


Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] "If nature worked that way, the universe would crash all the time." --Jaron Lanier

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