adam kramer wrote:

On Wed, 6 Aug 2003, Joe Germuska wrote:

I'm pretty sure this was an explicit design intention, although the
main reason may have been to make backwards compatibility more
manageable (or maybe not -- I can't cite any place where this was
discussed; I just have vague recollections).  From reading the lists,
it's clear that many people intuitively expect modules to be less
walled off from each other.

Maybe a smarter Modularization, but one which might break some
compatibility, could be targetted for a 1.5 release, or some
mid-point between 2.0, which has a lot of bigger changes marked for

I am going to make an effort to look through the archives and find the
reasoning behind the design of the current modules (unless someone out
there can enlighten us all). And explore the code and docs to come up with
some ideas for application-wide module features that won't break struts
conventions, etc... The modules would be much more useful to me if they
had a concept of "application" and module.

There were some thoughts about module inheritance that were discussed last summer.
To my knowledge though no real design work has been done. It does seem that resource
inheritance is the #1 requested feature. There may be a Bugzilla enhancement request ticket
on this.


-adam k.

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