I added what I gathered was the last missing piece to struts-chain, file
upload support.  I'm really interested in doing whatever it takes to get
this up and running as a viable alternative to the RequestProcessor.

>From here, I see the following needs to be done:

 - Unit tests (big one)
 - Tiles support
 - Portlet implementation
 - Documentation

What is the status of commons-chain?  Are there any outstanding issues
that need to be sewn up?

I think I will tackle the unit tests next.  Tiles support should be pretty
straightforward, some copy/paste.  Craig had some ideas of how to support
the Portlet API, which I'll leave to him until I can learn more about it.
The documentation is the least important, at this stage, but it does help
bring to light rough spots.

Finally, what is that status on Struts 1.2?  Could an early test version
be put in for early adopters?


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