Yes, Spring is nice becuse not only does it provide a consistent
factory-based implementation, but the code isn't dependent on Spring and
could be replaced with some other IoC mechanism down the road if desired.


On Fri, 19 Dec 2003, Ted Husted wrote:

> Don Brown wrote:
> > I see Spring as helping Struts be better structure its internal
> > components, specifically using a BeanFactory implementation.  It would not
> > replace struts-config in any way or even be exposed directly the a Struts
> > application.  The struts-chain request processor implementation makes it
> > easy for Struts apps to plug in IoC frameworks themselves.  I totally
> > agree Struts shouldn't become some generic IoC framework, hence my
> > suggestion of using Spring.
> Something Craig mentioned way back when was:
> * Ensure that all framework objects in 2.0 have consistent factory-based
> mechanisms to instantiate instances.
> <>
> is this an area where we could use Spring in our implemention?
> -Ted.
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