On Sun, 21 Mar 2004 13:49:45 -0500, Thomas L Roche (not speaking for IBM) wrote:
> summary: McClanahan should clearly state *in some major publication*

IMHO, either people like us will be able use JSF without Struts, or we won't.

If we can, great. Less is more. If we can't, we'll create whatever components we need 
to make it so. Darwin will decide. As long as any of us need Struts, we'll keep 
developing Struts. Period. What other people say doesn't matter. If that want to use 
what we use, great. If not, also great. It will still work the same for us either way. 

And, of course, Struts isn't just about JSP tags. A lot of people use Struts with 
Velocity and XLST templates. JSF support for these technologies is a ways off yet.

My real feeling is that struts-dev doesn't need to get swept up in the discussions of 
what-might-be. Market share isn't important. What is important is that we develop what 
we need to use today so that we can be using it tomorrow. Not the figurative tomorrow, 
but the literal one :)

If anyone is *really* interested in showing what a significant Struts+JSF application 
looks like, then someone should roll up their own sleeves and just do it. I'd 
recommend the JPetstore as a likely starting point :)


Craig's often said that he'd rather be coding than writing about code. Me, I'm happy 
doing either :) -- But I think either of us would rather be developing Struts than 
evangelizing Struts. The proof of the pudding is in the taste.


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