At 5:24 PM -0800 3/21/04, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
I think the presentation-tier-independent things about Tiles (like mapping
forwards to definitions) should be built in to the core, so there isn't any
such thing as a separate TilesRequestProcessor (or a separate chain or
whatever). In turn, this probably means we might need an API abstraction that
alternative presentation tier technologies can use to integrate themselves into
the underlying support.

I managed to make Tiles work with struts-chain with a single pre-processor Command. It basically looks up a tiles definition and replaces the ForwardConfig returned from an action with its own that has a path which RequestDispatcher to which can forward.

But it still uses the TilesPlugIn... is that part of what you think should be moved up into the core? Or do you think even the single Command is not the best future implementation?


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