On Fri, 26 Mar 2004 11:32:20 -0800, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
> Quoting Joe Germuska <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Wouldn't the context object used by struts-chain contain everything
> you might need in Velocity-land?  It would be a shame to invent a
> second "context" object if we're going that direction anyway and it
> can meet your needs.

I'm not sure that Joe's a Velocity Tools user himself. I believe he was just picking 
up on my reference.

Right now, the Velocity Tools expose several different objects that roughly equate to 
the Struts taglibs. So you can expose the tool you need, in the same way you can 
import the taglib you need. Taken together, these tools have most of the functionality 
that we might find in a full-featured ActionContext.

Another term for such tools would be view helpers. Nothing fancy. Just a JavaBean, 
really. There's a nifty loading mechanism though, so you load up whatever tools of 
your own that might be needed. (Say, a database access tool.)

If an ActionContext were exposed in the request, it's true that something like the 
Velocity Tools for Struts probably wouldn't be needed. A surprising amount of 
functionality would also be exposed to JSLT, JSF, and any other view technology out 
there. (Say, Jelly for example.)


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