
1) The language should change from the default after the user changes his/her browser language if:

  1. the user does a refresh in his browser (or perhaps just clicks a link to another part of the app)
  2. the language they have choosen is supported by the web app
When you specify the Resource file in the application init param it simply specifies a default Resources class.  After that, if the locale changes it tries to append the ISO language characters to the end of the class name to see if it can find a supporting Resource file.

2) Not sure I understand the second question :(

Craig T.

Maya Muchnik wrote:

The same error is on pages 29 - 31.

After reading your document, I have two questions:

1/ Is it possible to change a language on-line. For example one user uses English
language with his browser, then he switchs to French. Can Struts handle this? I
think, in your document the properties file is loaded in the beginning
ActionServlet startup.

2/ How replace images with a text through properties file? (I think this question
was posted already).


Maya Muchnik wrote:

> Craig,
> You have an error on page 28: not i8n, but i18n. I have got the explanations on
> it.
> Maya
> > > >
> > > > The Struts presentation I did can be found (at least for the time being)
> > > > at:
> > > >
> > > >

I've been trying to change the world for years, but they just won't give me the source code....

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